Important Information Regarding Final Forms

Important Information Regarding Final Forms

All forms must be REVIEWED and updated as necessary. Final Forms need to be completed by 8/16.

When completing Final Forms it is essential that the following is uploaded/provided: Birth Certificate, Any Court Documents, 2 Proofs of Residency, Immunization Records, Driver's License. This is the most efficient and easy way to complete paperwork for your student.

Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that emails sent from our online registration program, called Final Forms, may be directed to your SPAM folder.

Please be sure to check your SPAM folder for emails from Final Forms. Anyone with an incoming kindergartener should check periodically. If you add the Final Forms contact to your email contact list, those emails should then be directed to your Inbox.

Also, for middle school and high school students participating in extracurricular activities, once a parent has filled out Final Forms, an email is sent to the student and the student MUST complete their Final Forms in order to be able to participate in extracurricular activities.

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