Facility Use Requests
Please read the school policies regarding facility use. The link to access the facility use form and to request facilities follows the policies.
Approved school support groups (those covered under the District’s liability insurance policy) shall be permitted to use school facilities during hours in which custodial staff members are on duty at no charge. Use of facilities beyond regular custodial work hours will be charged $40 per hour based on hours that custodial staff is on duty for the event.
Groups/organizations, composed mainly (more than 50%) of youngsters attending the Keystone Local School District (i.e., AWANA, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Girl Scouts, 4-H) and having an adult leader or advisor present who is a resident of the District, may be permitted use of school facilities on a no charge basis during regular custodial work hours. $40 per hour based on hours that custodial staff is on duty for the event will be charged if any of these groups use school facilities outside of regular custodial work hours.
Outside groups/organizations, where the majority of participants are not Keystone students (i.e., AAU basketball, JO Volleyball, traveling teams, etc.), will be charged $75 per hour that custodial staff is on duty for the event. Outside group/organizations’ requests for facility use may be declined if it is not in the best interest of the District to grant the requests.
Please pay close attention to the conditions for use of the district facilities:
- An employee of the Board must be on duty whenever a school building or school stadium is used by an organization or group
- No building will be used for commercial or personal gain.
- No building will be used for any fundraising activity unless the proceeds are for approved charitable, educational, character-building or other community welfare purposes. If possible, fundraising activities should be scheduled during regular custodial hours.
- Outside groups/organizations will not begin with their activities until school is dismissed in the afternoon and the students have left the building.
- On days when school is closed because of snow or other calamity, activities scheduled for that date will be canceled or postponed. Should conditions improve, the high school or middle school principal and the Superintendent have discretion to permit sport practice and/or to continue with scheduled competitions. Student participation will be on a voluntary basis in these situations.
- Buildings will not be used for recreation by outside groups on Sundays or legal holidays. This condition may be waived only with approval of the Board of Education and the Superintendent.
- Building use will not be permitted for private individuals or family affairs. Buildings are to be reserved for community group use only.
- No group will, under any circumstances, tamper with any electrical or heating controls. The District shall be fairly compensated by the group for any loss or damage to property related to such tampering.
- The kitchen will not be used by any group unless arrangements are made to have one of the regular cafeteria workers present. Groups will be billed for District costs associated with cafeteria workers being present outside their normal work schedule.
- There will be no smoking in any part of the building. Smoking is also prohibited at all immediately adjacent (within 50 ft.) to ingress and egress points to places of employment or educational service as well as near any window or ventilation system that may permit smoke to enter these enclosed areas. (Reference Board Policy KGC, Smoking on School Premises.)
- The Board reserves the right to require, if it should deem necessary, that groups using the building post a cash bond to cover any damages which might be done to any property, equipment or grounds.
- The procedure for use of the outdoor sports areas will follow the conditions outlined for the use of the buildings. Special emphasis will be given to providing sufficient police protection and adult supervision.
- Extracurricular groups must have a teacher/advisor present at the activity. All other groups must have at least one or more of the adult supervisors listed on the Facility Request form present at the time(s) the facility is being used.
- Groups which use school facilities must present either a waiver of liability or evidence of possession of liability insurance.
All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create a user account. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful you will receive an e-mail confirmation. The video and Quick Start Guide below will provide additional information.
First Time Users Only
Existing Users
Creating an Account - Instructional Video