FinalForms and Registration
Keystone’s Open Enrollment period begins on April 15th and closes on May 31st each school year. No applications for open enrollment will be accepted after May 31st. You can drop off your application at the Board Office between 7:30 and 3:30 Monday - Friday. Along with the application, you must attach your student's current report card and record of any suspensions or expulsions from the present and previous school terms. Students receiving special education services must provide a copy of their current IEP. Custodial/divorce papers must also be included. Applications without these required documents will NOT be considered or dated.
Open Enrollment decisions will be determined following review of enrollment trends by grade level and building. Please note that decisions and notifications for Kindergarten students applying for Open Enrollment will be made in August.
Keystone Schools has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service.
FinalForms allows parents/guardians to complete and sign Emergency Medical forms, Demographic forms, Athletic forms, and more for students. FinalForms also saves data from year to year and season to season, meaning there is no need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for all students in one family, saving precious time.
Data may be reviewed at any time to verify it is current. All forms are required to be updated once per year and after any change.
Current students already have accounts; this was verified in an email you recieved. If you DO NOT see this email or have questions, contact your child's school office.
How do I Sign Up?
Go to:
Locate the parent icon and click NEW ACCOUNT below
Type your NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, and EMAIL. Next, click REGISTER.
NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration. If you do not receive an email, then check your spam folder. If you still can not locate the FinalForms email, then email to inform our team of the issue.
Check your email for an ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION EMAIL from the FinalForms Mailman. Once received and opened, click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email text.
Create your new FinalForms password. Next, click CONFIRM ACCOUNT.
Registering a student
What information will I need?
Basic medical history and health information. Insurance company and policy number. Doctor, dentist, and medical specialist contact information. Hospital preference and contact information.
How do I register my first student?
IMPORTANT: If you followed the steps on the previous page, go to Step #3.
- Go to:
- Click LOGIN under the Parent Icon.
- Locate and click the COMPLETE FORMS button for the student you wish to register (for some this will may incomplete, dependent on the forms that have thus far been completed).
- If your student plans to participate in a sport, activity, or club, then click the checkbox for each. Then, click UPDATE after making your selection. Selections may be changed until the registration deadline.
- Complete each form and sign your full name (i.e. ‘Jonathan Smith’) in the parent signature field on each page. After signing each, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form.
- When all forms are complete, you will see a ‘Forms Finished’ message. **IMPORTANT: If required by your district, an email will automatically be sent to the email address that you provided for your student that will prompt your student to sign required forms.
How do I register additional students?
DO NOT create an account for additional students. If a student of yours is missing, please contact your school administrator or
How do I update information?
Login at any time and click UPDATE FORMS to update information for any student.
Custodial parents/guardians must now upload all required documents for enrollment AFTER completing STEPS 1 & 2 ABOVE.
Copies of the following documentation will need to be uploaded into FinalForms.
- Student’s Birth Certificate
- Immunization Records
- Parent/Guardian Photo ID (Valid)
- Two current (last 30 days) proofs of your residency listed below.
- Two proofs of residency. Acceptable documents include:
- Signed rental agreement
- Mortgage statement
- Deed
- Purchase agreement or construction agreement. *This document must list you as the homeowner or leaser.
- Gas/Water/Electric only
- Voter Registration
- Property Tax Bill
- PayStub
- Homeowner insurance
- Administration of Medication Request (if applicable). Please print the attached form @ Administration of Medical Request Form
- Self Carry Medication Request form (if applicable). Please print the attached form @ Self-Carry Medication Form
If you have questions regarding forms or using the FinalForms application, please contact your child's school office.
NOTE: If a parent/guardian residing with a student is in a home of family or friend, a Keystone Statement of Residency must be completed and signed by both parties. This document will need to be notarized. The homeowner/landlord must also provide proof of residency by providing a copy of a signed rental agreement, purchase agreement, construction agreement, or home mortgage statement to the Notary and the school district. One other proof will be required as listed above.
If applicable:
- Custody Documents with court seal and judge’s signature
- In the case of parental divorce, the parent with legal residential custody MUST bring in or upload the complete CERTIFIED COPY of the court order awarding legal custody of the child.
- Special Education Documentation (ETR and IEP, etc.)