Food Services



Food Service Supervisor

Menu Details and Pricing

Parents will use the online system PaySchools Central to put funds on their child's lunch accounts. Access PaySchools @ PAYSCHOOLS CENTRAL

What Makes A Meal / 5 Components
1.Meat/Meat Alternative (yogurt or cheese)

Breakfast Details
Breakfast is served at all 3 schools for any student interested.  If your child qualifies for meal assistance they can get breakfast for .30 or free depending on meal status.

    • Breakfast is offered for all K-12 students. 
    • Hot and cold breakfasts are offered every day.
    • Various a la carte items range from .50 to $3.00.
    • K-12 breakfasts are $1.75
    • Reduced breakfasts are .30
    • Free lunches are $0.00
    • K-5 Lunches are $2.90
    • 6-12 Lunches are $3.10
    • Reduced lunches are .40 for everyone
    • Free lunches are $0.00
    • Milk is .50

Meal Assistance

An updated meal application must be filled out every school year.  For those that don't return an updated form at the beginning of the year, your child's meal status will change to denied 30 days after the start of school. Meal assistance applications can be submitted anytime throughout the school year. Only 1 application needed per household.

Students who are on the free and reduced lunch plans get FREE breakfast and lunch.

Direct Certification is run several times throughout the year.  Any student qualifying for free meals through Direct Certification (a list received from the State) will receive a notification letter.  This letter, in bold letters at the top will read "NOTIFICATION FOR FREE MEALS". Please take time to read this letter as it contains important information. If you receive this letter at the start of the school year, you DO NOT need to fill out a meal application.

School fees are not automatically waived if your child qualifies for free meals.  YOU MUST return the bottom portion of the Direct Certification letter or mark the appropriate box on the meal application.

Food Assistance

Monthly Assistance Programs

Summer Months

  • Click on this link to find a phone number for locations where meals are served during the summer months.
  •  Click on this link for an interactive county map to see what areas offer summer meals. Please click on the county that you live in.
  •  Click on this link for a Summer Food Service Clickable Map and Summer food Service Program Locations
If you have school-aged student(s) in need of breakfast and/or lunch during the summer, call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (486479). 

Please view this important message from the School Nutrition Association (SNA). View a TWO minute video outlining the challenges faced by food services departments nationwide @

It is no surprise that cafeterias all over the country look quite different these days. From socially distanced tables, outdoor eating areas and masked staff, things are just not the same. Shortages and supply chain issues have brought great challenges at all points of the chain -- from raw materials and manufacturing to packaging and transporting. In addition to food, this shortage affects the paper products used to serve meals, and even the trays that are a mainstay in every cafeteria, among other items. At the same time, many schools are affected by staffing issues, with workers retiring or leaving the profession. Yet, despite these challenges, school nutrition teams are working tirelessly behind the scenes to secure the necessary items needed to provide students with a healthy and balanced meal. In this video, SNA shares what parents need to know about supply chain issues and their current impact on school meals. Learn more: