Strategic Planning Update

Strategic Planning Update

We continue to be diligent in developing our strategic plan. This plan is our North Star: the guiding light for Keystone’s future.  

In terms of our progress, we held a day-long retreat in which community members, parents, students, and staff discussed our mission and vision statements, and identified the primary goals for the planning process and the plan itself. It is important to remember that the strategic plan is a fluid document, and as such, we will be flexible in the development process.  

Our mission and values center on the whole student: one size does not fit all.

Students are made up of so much more than their academic performance. They all have unique experiences, face different environmental aspects, come from varying socioeconomic factors, resources, and so much more. This focus extends beyond our academic programs and curriculum, and we will continue to focus on mental health as well as social and emotional development. We will also place emphasis on creating a safe and supportive learning environment and will foster a strong bond with our stakeholders, parents, students, and our community.

Regarding facility development, we had two primary plans; after staff and community input as well as analysis of cost, we are primarily looking at our second plan. *See the image below. It is important to note that these projects are largely donor-based. As we attain funding, our facility plan will continue to be solidified.

We appreciate so much the time and investment our strategic planning committee has devoted to our strategic plan as well as those who have offered feedback and suggestions. We will continue to seek your feedback as well as provide information on our strategic plan, the guiding light for Keystone’s future.