Educator and Support Staff Member of the Year!

Educator and Support Staff Member of the Year!

Congratulations to Kristen Zatik and Candy Mikolajcik, they are our Educator and Support Staff Member of the year for 2021-2022! The following is some of what the people that nominated them had to say:

Mrs. Zatik. I asked 8th grade students what I should put on Mrs. Zatik's slide and they went on and on about how much she loves and supports her students. She is always there for them. It was strong emotions from 8th graders She also is quick to help with schedules and school wide programs. She volunteered to be taped to a wall.

Mrs. Mikolajcik.  Candy is the glue that holds the special education department together.   Candy has been known to go above and beyond to make sure students have the resources they need to be successful.  She often has to coordinate communication with multiple staff members.  Candy has even volunteered to personally pick up needed items on her own time, and offered the tech services of her husband.  She is a strong advocate for students and an integral team player. She helps solve problems to best meet the needs of our Keystone staff and families; often inserting some much-needed humor into situations.  No problem is insignificant to her.

Congratulations Mrs. Zatik and Mrs. Mikolajcik!