Plan B

Plan B

In my meetings with superintendents across Lorain County, we have discussed plausible staffing issues due to illness or lack of substitute teachers. Thus, I want to take this opportunity to address the plans we have should something along these lines occur.

Per the Health Department, Keystone staff are not allowed to come to school if they are experiencing flu like symptoms. On a daily basis, all staff complete a health assessment which requires them to state if they are experiencing a fever, cough, congestion, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, headache, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, or other illness related symptoms. If they answer YES to any of the symptoms, they are directed, per Health Department guidelines, to stay home. With cold and flu season approaching, it is logical to assume that these questions will produce more “Yes” responses. If this is the case, substitutes will be called to fill staff vacancies. If these vacancies cannot be filled due to the substitute shortage across EVERY district in Lorain County or other factors, we will hold remote learning classes for all of the students in the building that is understaffed. This is not the same as closing due to a Coronavirus concern. If we do not have enough staff or substitute coverage, we cannot have face-to-face learners in the school building. In the event of this situation, you will be notified via the all-call/text system, social media outlets, and website by 6am. 

Thank you for understanding the necessity of this plan, and please consider signing up to be a substitute teacher or bus driver @