September 2, 2022

I am so grateful to all of our students, staff, and parents for making this an awesome start to the school year!

Parents and guardians - thank you so much for your active involvement in all things Keystone! There are so many positive benefits for your student and our school as a whole because of your commitment. According to the National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools, “Students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level programs, be promoted, pass their classes, earn credits, attend school regularly, have better social skills, and upon graduation, go on to postsecondary education.” If you would like to learn more or join a parent organization, please visit our website @ On this page, you can view our parent organizations as well as contact information for individuals in charge of these groups.

Per the Lorain County Health Department, the procedures concerning COVID are as follows: 

1. If you test positive for COVID, you are to stay home for 5 days. Day 0 is the first day with symptoms or the day you took the test.

2. If you become asymptomatic before day 5, you may return to school with a mask.

3. You may return on day 6 as long as your symptoms are getting better or asymptomatic.

4. After day 5, if your symptoms are not improving or if you still have a fever, you are to stay home until symptoms improve.

There are no longer any requirements regarding the collection and/or reporting of positive COVID cases. Please remember that if your child is sick with any contagious illness, please keep him/her at home until symptoms cease. 

As a reminder, per the USDA, free lunches will no longer be available for the 2022-23 school year. Please note that this policy is dictated by the USDA. This is not a determination public school districts can make throughout the state. More information can be found @

Also, if you are eligible, please remember to complete the form to receive free school meals. These forms were sent home with your child and are also available on our Food Services Department’s website @

Thanks again for a wonderful week Keystone! We look forward to welcoming our kindergarten students on Tuesday, September 6.  Have a great Labor Day weekend Keystone!