February 21, 2020

On Thursday, March 5, we will hold a Strategic Planning Community Meeting for community members. At the meeting, we will review our strategic plan, highlight the accomplishments made thus far, and outline our in-progress objectives. The meeting will be held at 6pm at KHS in Room 124.

Thanks to all the parents of upcoming freshmen for attending our eighth grade parent night. If you were unable to attend, another meeting, covering the same content, will be held on Thursday, March 5 from 6:30pm-7:15 in the cafeteria at KHS.  At the meeting, topics such as curriculum, scheduling, and expectations will be discussed.

A big congratulations to our Keystone staff members, nominated by their colleagues, who were named our outstanding staff members of the first semester. Keystone High School Intervention Specialist Natalie Rodriguez was named our Teacher of the First Semester and Superintendent’s Assistant Yvonne Gnagy was named our Support Staff Member of the First Semester. Natalie’s nominator shared information about Natalie’s positivity, patience, kindness, and content knowledge. Yvonne’s nominator noted Yvonne’s resourcefulness, knowledge of all things Keystone, pleasant demeanor, and work ethic. Congratulations again to Natalie and Yvonne!

I hope you had an opportunity last week to view our Friday Financial Fact. We will be publishing these on a weekly basis to stay committed to our goal of being fiscally transparent with our taxpayers. To view all the facts as they are distributed, navigate to our website and click on Financial Fridays under the News heading.

In upcoming events, our Keystone High School thespians and stage crew are excited to perform this year’s play, “The History of Dating,” NEXT Thursday, Feb 27 at 7pm and Saturday, Feb 29 at 2pm and 7pm. All performances will take place in the KHS Cafetorium. Tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

Lastly, thanks so much to our Elementary School’s PTA for planning and hosting an amazing “Someone Special” dance for our kindergarten through fifth graders. The students had so much fun sharing in special family time with their guests, dancing with their friends, and making fun crafts. We truly appreciate the hard work and dedication our PTA shows for our students.

Have a great weekend Keystone!